Before filling out the form please look below to see what we have and if we have enough of that item.
Please fill out form below as to what you would like to donate. .
Donations received: I will update when I can. I will e-mail you back if we have enough of a product that you donated. You can drop off the donations anytime this week or when we leave on Friday.
Peanut butter and Jelly x 4 No more needed
String Cheese x 6 Don’t need anymore
Water x 6 We have enough
Cookies x 2
Cheese slices for sandwiches x 6 No more needed
Chip Variety Pack x 4 No More Needed
Cookies x 6
6 Loaves of bread x 6 n No more needed
8 foot table x 2
Bananas x 4
Oranges x 2
GRANOLA BARS x 5 NO More Needed
FRUIT SNACKS.x 5 No More Needed
Monster Cookies x 3
Butter X several NO MORE NEEDED
Kind Bars x 2
Little Cuties x 30 NO More Needed