Wednesday 9/11/13   Andrew Baker

1400 6th St NW

Juniors:  Bread

Sophomores/Seniors:  Desserts

Freshman/Jr. High:  Drinks

Monday 9/16/13   Olive McDermott/Micheal Kroymann  Held at the Kroymann House


 The easiest way to get to the house is go west on 8th Ave NW, which runs on the south side of Riverland.   Follow the road as it winds back under the interstate, at which point it turns into 12th Ave NW.  Take the first right after passing under the interstate, 27th St NW.  There is a sign for Seven Springs.  Follow 27th ST NW up a slight hill where there is a split in the road.  Turn right at the split, which is 15th Ave NW and follow it to the top of the hill.

For those living in the southwest it may be easier to use these directions.

Heading west on Oakland Ave, take the first right past I90, which has three street signs, for 30th , 31st and 33rd streets NW.  The road winds around a little and eventually becomes 31st St NW.  Take this road for .9 mi. until the pavement runs out.  Turn right on 12th Ave NW and follow it for .4 mi.Take a left on 27th St NW, and follow the road up a slight hill to a split in the road.  Turn right at the split, which is 15th Ave NW and follow it to the top of the hill. 

Monday 9/23/13  Matt Tylutki

1203 22nd AVE SW  (Map below) 

Seniors:  Breaad

Juniors:  Drink

Sophomores:  Desserts

Freshman/Jr High:  Salad


Wednesday 10/2/13   Madison Overby

808 4th St SW  

Seniors:  Salad

Juniors:  Desserts

Sophomores:  Bread

Freshman/Jr. High:  Drinks

Monday 10/7/13  Quin Brunner

203 24th St SW   see map below

Seniors:  Drinks

Juniors:  Bread

Sophomores:  Salads

Freshman/Jr. High Desserts


Monday 10/14/13  Will Bjorndal

2002 11th Ave NE

Seniors:  Dessert

Juniors:  Salad

Sophomores:  Drinks

Jr. High/Freshman:  Bread


Wednesday 10/23/13   Mark 

2904 6th Ave SW

Seniors:  Bread

Juniors:  Drink

Sophomores:  Desserts

Freshman/Jr High:  Salad