Vo2 day today. They had a choice of 5k or 4k ok on the track. We did 90 seconds on 15 seconds off. Ben lead the boys coming in around 18:40 and madison the girls right around 20:30. Great run for everyone today. Lots of new faces running hard for the first time all summer.
Day 13 400's in the Rain
Quick workout today because of the rain. wanted to do 8x400 equal rest to run, but ended up cutting the rest a little short with the incoming rain. Everyone did a great job with the 400's most people coming in well under the times that were talked about at the start of the run. Day of rest on Sunday before getting back at it on Monday at 3:45 from the high school. First meet on Tuesday.
Day 12. Nature center.
Nice 1 hour run at the nature center today. Paper was out today talking cross county. The girls varsity teams picture is going to be on the cover of the fall sports preview. Practice tomorrow at 8:00 at the track. Running quote of the days. "Real athletes run others just play games"
Day 11. Welcome jr high. 12x30
Jr high athletes joined us today and we welcomed them with 12 x 30 meter sprints. The sprinters among us had their day today after 3 hard days on the camping trip. Legs were moving well on the 85 degree day and it looked like we were having a lot of fun on the track. Great job today everyone , can not wait until tomorrow and a nice recovery run at the nature center. Running quote for the day. "Running is not, as it so often seems, only about what you did in your last race or about how many miles you ran last week. It is, in a much more important way, about community, about appreciating all the miles run by other runners, too."
--Richard O'Brien
Day 10. Last day of camping trip
Several different runs happened today. We had several people run to Whalan, some get very close and others that went to Preston. Great job at the camping trip everyone. Of the legs are a little sore (or a lot) make sure you are Icing them. Couple of things to take from the trip include, the hills those that we did on purpose and those that maybe some of you found on your own. The little bit of rain that we had on the first night and of course the ducks. 30's tomorrow. Remember your water bottles.
Day 9 camping trip 2
Nice recovery 4 or 5 miles this afternoon. Several athletes found there way under the waterfall after the run. Over half the team had dinner at riverside at the root. Long run tomorrow.
Day 9 Camping trip.
Just finished playing sand volleyball or sand castle building whatever you want to call it. Not much funnier than watching cross country kids play a sport involving coordination. Holden went 7-0 on the day. Great morning workout, did 10x350 meter hills. With 1.6 mile warm up and cool down. Breakfast was followed by riding the four person bike, tubing and volleyball. Just getting ready to head out on the 2nd run of the day. Looking for a good 4-5 mile run with and to follow. On a side note the picture attached has to be about the biggest mosquito that I have ever seen. (Yes I know it is not a mosquito)
Saturday practice
Great practice today. Did 6x200 or 6x300 full speed with full recovery. A little windy so we went on the back stretch. Next meet on Tuesday, boys in Winona, girls in ?
Track practice.
Snow and cold have showed up again, so we are back inside for practice today.
Day 74. Sections.
Andrew Baker and Madison Overby qualify for the state meet. Girls team finishes 3rd highest finish ever for a girls team at the section meet. Congratulations to everyone on a very successful season.
Day 65.
Girls did something no other girls cross country team has done in Austin. Won a big 9 team championship. Overby finished 3rd. Paiton 5th. Abby 9th Morgan 10. To earn first team all conference honors. Tasia finished 30 to round out the scoring. Baker finished 8th in the boys race to earn all conference honors.
Day 62. Hillger says.
Here Paiton this is just for you. 10x400 today at a fast pace. Top boys averaged around 75. Michael K averaged 92.5. Windbreakers are now being ordered. You have until Wednesday at noon to place your order. Order form is on the website. Cost is $35.
Day 37. Lake city
What a night. Girls place 1st! Boys place 2nd. Overby finishes 1st in the girls race. Baker finishes 3rd in the boys race. 14 career best times for the boys and 7 for the girls. Overby, Paiton and Morgan break 16 for the girls. Andrew and Quin break 17 for the boys.
Day 30
Hill work today followed by 3-5 mile cool down. 6 x fordtown. Pasta Party information is now posted on the website please remember to look at it so you know what you are to bring with you. Pasta parties will start at 6:00 and end about 7:30.
Day 28
Sunday long run for Quin and Andrew ended in Iowa. So since June, they have run to Albert Lea, Preston and now Iowa. Not a bad trifecta.
Day 26
Nice morning run. 4-6 miles at 6:00 AM with breakfast to follow. Had a great week of workouts and runs. Yesterday's 800's were fun to watch. Those of you that came into the seasons out of shape are getting there keep up the good work.
Day 23
On the track today for a new workout for the team. Did 4x400 all out. With 10 min rest. Fast average right around 58 for the boys and 66 for the girls. Fun workout to watch with everyone there. Quin was back to running today that is really good news Long run tomorrow and vo2 800's on Thursday.
Day 22.
Nature center for a PPM run
Day 19
Rosemount meet. Great first meet for everyone. Madison finishes 18th to lead the girls and Andrew finished 16th to lead the boys. There were many runners that were two minutes faster this year then last. No practice in Saturday for the team run 6 miles in your own. Mondays practice is at 9:00 at the Nature Center.
Rosemount meet
Meet schedule
Time Schedule -- Revised
7:45 JV Boys
8:10 JV Girls
8:35 Frosh Boys
9:00 C Girls
9:25 C Boys
9:50 Varsity Girls
10:15 Varsity Boys
10:45 Kids Run (about 500 m)
(awards in the finish chute)