Up and going this morning at 6:30. 4-5x1000 on the track just under race pace. Good workout for everyone. All runners were under the times we have for every 1000. Nice work everyone.
Day 15
Hot, hotter and hottest. One of the hottest days of the year lead to us running about 2 miles and getting water melon at the Schwab's house. Thanks Nate for the suggestion and execution of a great idea. Meet for Tuesday is canceled because of the heat. Gun goes off at practice at 6:30 on Tuesday for a set of 1000's at race pace.
Day 13
First set of 400's were done today. Did 8x400 at about 120% of vo2. The Splinters invited us over for breakfast after the workout. The food was great. Car wash followed breakfast at sterling. Made somewhere in the neighborhood of $775 for 2.5 hours of work. Greta job with the workout and the car wash today!!!
Day 12
Lanesboro day 3. Long morning run today. Started by going up everyone's favorite hill then a nice long run. Anywhere from 4-10.6 miles. Andrew, Quinn, Jacob and Micah ran to Preston. A big thank you to Coach Hillger, John McDermott and the Grabau family for all the help you have us over the three days. Car wash tomorrow.
Day 11
Spent the day in lanesboro. Day started with a soaking rain! We were to get up and run mile repeats bUt the rain changed our plans and we ended just running some miles. Spent the afternoon playing tennis, frisbee, riding to get pie and other lanesboro activities. Afternoon running session then became the mile repeats. Did them in our normal location. Everyone doing between 3-5. Nice pace set by everyone and overall it was a great workout. Most everyone then went to the river for a nice soak. I found the drop off right below the falls (not ready for it) and ended up going behind the falls.
Day 10 part B
Just a little humid during the run tonight. One mile warm-up and 12x30 and 2-4 mile cool down. Rain was coming down for a little while and the humidity was high. Felt like you took a shower when you finished the run. A couple of people went on the river and soaked, rest went up for dinner at the pizza place.
Day 10 Part A
Arrived in Lanesboro for our annual camping trip. Got everything set up and getting ready do to our set of flying 30's. boys warmed up by playing some ultimate frisbee. Zek needs to learn that trees don't move. Other then that no major injuries. Looks like we will get to run in the rain.
Day 9
Not much exciting today. Ran a nice 5-7 mile recovery run out at the Nature center. Legs for the most part recovered from the hills. Camping tomorrow.
Day 8
Nothing like a good set of hills to start out the week. From what I was told we did not do a lot of hill work last year. Things are a changing. 5-7 miles total today depending on your cool down. Practice Tuesday is at the nature center at 8:00. 5-8 mile recovery run. Remember to log your miles onto etraxc and get you let camping shirt ordered.
Day 6.
Recovery run today. 5-8 miles. Good way to end the first week of practice. Caleb and Eli are heading back to Iowa today. It was nice to have them back the last couple of days. Take some time away from running tomorrow. Most of you ran more miles this past week then you did all summer. Those of you that feel you need to get out and do something it is a great day to go on a nice bike ride. If you need to run, Nolte than four miles. We are back to work on Monday at 8:00. We will meet at the high school and head to first down hill for some hill work.
If you have not signed up for a T-shirt yet please get that taken care of. I will be ordering them on Wednesday before we leave on the camping trip.
Have a great Sunday
Nice work this week
Coach E.
KFD Alumni run.
AHS boys and girls teams both defeat the alumni. Girls team score 19-40. Madison Overby was the top finisher for the girls. Haley Splinter was the top runner for the alumni. Boys team score 28-39. Andrew Baker was the top finisher for the boys. Christian Folken was the top runner for the Alumni. Eric Overby was the top family and friend finisher. a big thank you to the Bishop family for allowing us to come over after the race and spend time talking, going on the swing and zip line, and enjoying pizza and cake. Next years date Aug 15
Day 5
First half of day five is complete. Went over pre-race routine and start of race. Ran about 3 miles total. Please be at the Nature Center tonight at 5:15 for warm-up. Race starts at 6:15. We will be going to the Bishop's following the race for pizza and cake. Carter made two different cakes for us this year. T-shirts will be on sale for anyone interested in buying one. They are the same shirt as we had last year. Cost of the shirt is $10.00 We will also have some of the older shirts on hand if anyone would like one of those, cost of the older shirts is $5.00.
Day 4.
Day 4 complete. Hard workout today adding some speed into the mix. Did 6x300 with full rest. Great effort by everyone. Captains remember my house tonight at 6:30. Address 504 10th st se.
Day 3.
Long run today at the nature center. 60 min of running so anywhere from 6- 9 miles. Legs should start feeling better over the next couple if days. 6x300 tomorrow at the track. Meet at the high school at 8:00 for warm up.
CC day 2
Nice 5-7 mile recovery run today on Todd park trail. For those of you who have not been running the next couple of days are going to be a little painful. The soreness will go away. Practice tomorrow is at 3:00 at the nature center. Please be ready to go by 2:58. Long run on Wednesday so running anywhere from 6 - 9 miles depending where you are at for weekly miles. Pace will be conversational.
Great First day
Great workout this morning everyone. Started the year with 400's on the track at tempo pace with 15 sec rest between each one. Top boys group did 20x400 with at 1:25 average, top girls did 16 with an 1:45 average. All groups did at least 8x400. 2 mile warm-up an cool-down making the day between 6-10 miles. Practice on Tuesday is at 8:00 at the high school. 4 - 7 mile recovery run tomorrow. We will also look at the website and etraxc. GREAT DAY 1.
New website is under construction
Start of Season
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